Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Chiken Kiev"

hello freinds 
i m back with a very special recipe of chiken 

hmmmmmm"""" so delicious or not well this things you tell me after the make the dish and taste th dish 
let start the recipe of chiken kiev

  • chiken breast bone less
  • butter 100gms
  • garlic 100gms
  • oregano
  • dry parsley
  • 4 eggs
  • bread crums
  • flour 200gms
  • oil for deep fry


first we clean th chicken breasts and make the pocket with the help of knife in chicken breast then melt th butter in room temprature and add crushed garlic in a bowl seasone with salt origano and parsley after making that mixture fill this mixture in chicken brest pocket properly and tightly after that take a flour in one bowl and eggs in seprate bowl and bread crums in seprate bowl after that take a heavy bottem pan and put oil in that to fry th chicken and swicth on the gas after oil is hot perfect for fry then take a one chicken breast and dip in flour bowl cover equally then dip into eggs and cover it equally after that cover with bread crums properly then pore into the pan for deep frying after 25 minutes you see that colour is golden brown then take out from pan and serve it hot with mayo 

see the magic after taste it 
good bye see u again and keep eating keep cooking 

ohhhhh please comment on my recipes

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